1-Week Final Version
The approval given by the Curriculum Committee is a CONDITIONAL APPROVAL. Meaning you have one (1) week from the date your course/certificate/degree program was reviewed to make any required, technical and recommended changes and submit the course/certificate/degree program in eLumen. If you miss the deadline, the consequences are that the curriculum will not be articulated nor printed in the catalog and schedule. In the event:
- the course will be supsended and the worfklow deleted;
- the certificate/degree program workflow will be deleted
And the course/certificate/degree program will have to be resubmitted to the Curriculum Committee for review as an action calendar item before the next catalog deadline and before the changes will take effect.
- approved by the Curriculum Committee on 10/21/14.
5-Year Revision
All course outlines are revised on a 5-year cycle. Every fall, the curriculum office will provide a list of courses up for review the following year and the catalog deadline dates. Initiators should work with their Division Curriculum Representatives to ensure that the course has completed the review and approval stages (no including the Curriculum Committee stage).
Course outlines that are not revised after 5 years will be suspended then deleted
from the college catalog. (Note: Divisions/departments may NOT offer a course if deleted
from the catalog). Under extenuating circumstances, divisions/departments may request
up to a one-year extension to the 5-year review cycle. In order to request an extension,
a memo must be submitted to the curriculum committee from your division dean with the request and indicate the reason the request is being made. Upon approval
of the request, the division will be granted an extension and will be expected to
submit the revised course outline by the new given deadline date, or have the course
deleted from the catalog.
Once a course is deleted from the catalog, it may NOT be offered during the following
academic year. Every department/division has the opportunity to reinstate any deleted
course by revising and updating the course outline and submitting it as a "new course"
to the curriculum committee for review and inclusion in a subsequent catalog year.
(Policy voted on and approved by Academic Senate, spring 2006).
All courses are due for revision every 5 years, if you have no changes to the course, you will still need to complete the Course - Revision workflow in eLumen.
Agenda Item
In the event that questions arise about courses or programs on the Curriculum Committee's published agenda, it may be necessary to either pull the items in question from the agenda or table them during the committee meeting. In either event, the Division Representative, Initiator, relevant Department Chair, and Dean will be made aware of the situation as soon as possible and informed as to the specific questions that arose and what the new timeline for committee approval for the course or program might be. (Reviewed and approved by CAT on 3/5/20.)
Course Sunset Policy
At the start of Fall Quarter each year, the Associate Vice President of Instruction
shall obtain a list of active courses from the Curriculum Office. Using this, they
will work with the Office of Institutional Research to identify courses that have
either not been offered or have been offered unsuccessfully (canceled prior to running)
in three consecutive academic years. This list will be provided to the Curriculum
Committee Co-Chairs and Vice Chair. The Chairs will then communicate with the relevant
Curriculum Division Representatives, Department Chairs, and Deans to solicit one of
two responses.
The Division Representative, working with the Department Chair and Dean, will have
45 days to submit to the Curriculum Committee either:
- A letter justifying the retention of the course in the College catalog along with detailed plans to offer the course within the next three years, or
- A course deletion request.
If no response is received within 45 days, the course will be put on the Curriculum
Committee agenda for deletion.
The Curriculum Committee will consider either the justification letter or the deletion
request for approval as part of its action calendar. As part of its deliberation,
the Curriculum Committee will consider justification letters from previous cycles
and programs impacted by the lack of availability of the course under consideration.
- CC approved 12/5/23
- Academic Senate approved 1/29/24
NOTE: Honors and mirrored noncredit courses will be excluded as long as the non-honors and mirrored credit courses are not on the sunset list. -CC approved 10/22/24.
NOTE: Special projects will be excluded for the current (2024-2025) sunset list and the determination will be decided how to handle them in the next sunset list. -CC approved 1/14/25.
Deadline Exceptions
Guideline for exceptions to the yearly June deadline. The deadline exception will be the first Wednesday of December for inclusion in the next catalog year. (These are not the same as extensions.) As an exception to the annual June deadline for new/revised course revisions, an initiator may submit a new/revised courses for curriculum review in the current fall quarter to be effective the following fall quarter.
June deadline exceptions include:
- New software versions
- Curriculum to meet newly acquired grant requirements
- Curriculum to meet State requirements
- Curriculum to meet outside accreditation
- Curriculum to meet a newly emerging industrial need
Please notify the Curriculum Office via your division dean at curriculum@fhda.edu in order to apply for this exception.
Missed Deadline
Course outlines that are NOT revised after 5 years will be deleted from the college
catalog. (Note: Divisions/departments may NOT offer a course if deleted from the catalog).
Under extenuating circumstances, divisions/departments may request up to a one-year
extension to the 5-year review cycle. In order to request an extension, a memo must
be submitted to the curriculum committee from your division dean with the request and indicate the reason the request is being made. Upon approval
of the request, the division will be granted an extension and will be expected to
submit the revised course outline by the new given deadline date, or have the course
deleted from the catalog.
Once a course is deleted from the catalog, it may NOT be offered during the following
academic year. Every department/division has the opportunity to reinstate any deleted
course by revising and updating the course outline and submitting it as a "new course"
to the curriculum committee for review and inclusion in a subsequent catalog year.
(Policy voted on and approved by Academic Senate, spring 2006).
Deadline extension:
If your course is due for 5-year revision, but you do not have time to revise it for
a particular reason, then please seek a deadline extension. Request for an extension
must come from the division dean and submitted to the Curriculum Committee. The extension
request must be submitted on or before the 5-year revision deadline date, not after
the deadline date has passed. The Curriculum Committee reviews request for extension
on a case-by-case situation and will issue a new deadline date if the request is approved.
Online/Hybrid Delivery Modes
Non-honors/honors and credit/noncredit courses must have the same modality.
- CC approved 10/3/23