About Me

I am interested in the development of singers at whatever level, and encourage them to improve their skills.


Dr. Ilan Glasman is director of the choral program and conducts the Monday evening De Anza Chorale and the select Vintage Singers. In addition, Ilan works with vocal students and teaches academic music classes. He has taught at the School of the Arts in San Francisco, the Hamilton Academy of Music in Los Angeles, Coe College, in Iowa, and Olivet College in Michigan. Dr. Glasman conducts internationally, and groups under his direction consistently receive superior ratings at festivals and competitions.

Classes I Teach

Fall 2024

23603MUSI 13A01Beginning Singing I
23606MUSI 13B01Beginning Singing II
22941MUSI 13C01Beginning Singing III
27055MUSI 2001De Anza Chorale
27702MUSI 2101Vintage Singers
28123MUSI 41W02Rehearsal and Performance

Faculty Info

Ilan Glasman

Ilan Glasman






  • D.M.A. in Choral Music from the University of Southern California Thornton School of Music
  • Master of Arts in Music Performance from San Jose State University
  • Bachelor of Arts degree in Music from the University of California Santa Barbara

Office Hours

Spring 2018

  • Tues: 4:00-5:40 p.m.
  • Fri: 9:30-11:10 a.m.
  • by appointment
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