Beginning Singing III

Course Description

A continuation of MUSI D013B with emphasis on developing repertoire of art songs (Italian, German, French, English) and musicianship, memorization, legato singing, correction of individual problems, and introduction to opera and music theater. Includes technique development and the rudiments of performance. Training in controlling tonal production, breathing, diction, and musical accuracy.

Class Details

CRN Course Section Days Times Instructor Loc
22941 MUSI 13C 01 ·T····· 02:30 PM-03:20 PM Cyril Deaconoff A31
·T····· 03:30 PM-05:20 PM

Class Materials: View textbook and/or other materials for this course available at the Bookstore.
Class Dates: This class runs from 2024-09-23 to 2024-12-13.
MUSI-013C-01: Fully ON-CAMPUS. This class meets on-campus each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing. In addition to vocal training, this course will also offer students an opportunity to explore basic choral literature.

Course Details

1.5 Units
  • Weekly Lecture Hours: 1
  • Weekly Lab Hours: 2
Gen Ed
General Education Class
Program Status
Program Applicable
Credit - Degree Applicable
Grading Method
Letter Grading

Requisite and Advisory

MUSI D013B or equivalent
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