De Anza College Fall 2024 | Tops in Transfer and more! | scene of students talking near Sunken Garden fountain

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Oct. 9, 2024

Title IX Survey–We'd Like Your Input

Dear Student,

De Anza College is conducting a survey to understand student perceptions about sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and other issues related to the federal law known as Title IX.

Your answers will help the college address these issues and support our students, while promoting a healthy, nondiscriminatory environment. Please click the yellow button to submit your responses no later than Wednesday, Oct. 23.

Begin Survey    

The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Your responses will be anonymous and the results will only be reported in aggregate form. You are free to skip any questions or stop answering questions at any time.

Thank you for participating.

Best wishes,
De Anza College

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