Academic Awareness Program 

Academic Awareness | De Anza College | image of graduation capThe Academic Awareness Program (AAP) provides resources to assist students on academic or progress probation in returning to good academic standing.

At De Anza, the probation process is an opportunity to think about what's getting in the way of reaching your academic goals. You might be working too many hours, or struggling with food, housing or mental health needs. Or you might benefit from tutoring or advice on choosing classes and the right major. Together with your counselor, the Academic Awareness Program can help you get back on track! 

Contact the Academic Awareness Program!

For questions or assistance relating to academic or progress probation, visit the Academic Awareness team directory to find contact information and a complete list of team members. We are ready to support you!

What Is Academic or Progress Probation?

There are two types of probation: academic probation and progress probation. Students can be on one or the other, or both at the same time. Click each tab to learn more.

  • Academic Probation

    You can be placed on academic probation if you have taken at least 18 units at De Anza and your cumulative grade point average (GPA) is below 2.0.

    • You can move off academic probation and return to good academic standing by raising your cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher.
    • If you're on academic probation, you will be sent an email each quarter informing you of your status and the required steps for returning to good standing.
    • While you're on academic probation, you'll be required to meet with an academic counselor and complete the Academic Awareness Student Survey
    • If your GPA is below 2.0 for five quarters, you may be moved to dismissal status – which means you can be dropped from your classes and required to sit out for a quarter.
    • See below for more information about academic probation standards and requirements, including details about dismissal status.
  • Progress Probation

    You can be placed on progress probation if you have enrolled in at least 18 units at De Anza and received course grades of W (Withdrawn), I (Incomplete) or NP (No Pass) for at least half of the units in which you enrolled. This means you will have completed less than 51% of the units for all courses in which you have enrolled.

    • You can move off progress probation and return to good standing by passing your classes; avoiding grades of W, I or NP; and raising your cumulative completion rate to 51% or higher.
    • If you're on progress probation, you will be sent an email each quarter informing you of your status and the required steps for returning to good standing.
    • While you're on progress probation, you'll be required to meet with an academic counselor and complete the Academic Awareness Student Survey
    • If your cumulative completion rate is below 51% for five quarters, you may be moved to dismissal status – which means you can be dropped from your classes and required to sit out for a quarter.
    • See below for more information about progress probation standards and requirements, including details about dismissal status.

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Need Help Paying for College?

two young women doing high five

The Academic Awareness Scholarship celebrates students who show strength and persistence in working toward their goals, despite being on academic probation. The deadline to apply for spring quarter is June 2, 2024.

Apply for Scholarship

Need Help Paying for Books?

stack of books on grass with dollar bills fluttering in the air

We have FREE book vouchers available for students on academic or progress probation.

You can use these vouchers to purchase books and materials at the De Anza Bookstore.

Apply for Book Voucher

Probation Standards 

If you are on academic or progress probation, you will have a registration hold placed on your student account. This will prevent you from registering for next quarter – and from obtaining any certificates, degrees or transcripts – until you meet with a counselor.

If you're on academic or progress probation for more than one quarter, you may also lose your priority registration status.

Important Information About Financial Aid and GI Benefits

If you are on academic or progress probation for more than one quarter, you could lose eligibility for certain types of financial aid or GI benefits. Contact the Financial Aid or Veteran Services office for more information.

Academic Probation Standards 

You will be placed on academic probation if you have taken at least 18 units at De Anza and your cumulative GPA (grade point average) for all courses is below 2.0.

At that point, you will be notified by email and you must complete the required steps listed below, which are intended to help you improve your academic performance.

An initial period of probation lasts for one quarter. After that, you will be taken off probation if you have increased your cumulative GPA to at least 2.0. 

Dismissal Status

  • If your GPA for a quarter is below 2.0 and your cumulative GPA has been below 2.0 for five quarters – the quarters don't have to be consecutive – you can be placed on dismissal status for the next quarter.
  • If you are on dismissal status, you may be dropped from classes and required to sit out for a quarter. 
  • See the FAQs below to learn more about what to do if you're on dismissal status.

Contact the Academic Awareness Program or your counselor to determine your current level of academic probation. 

Progress Probation Standards

You will be placed on progress probation if your course grades are W (Withdrawn), I (Incomplete) or NP (No Pass) for at least half of the units in which you have enrolled at De Anza. This means you will have completed less than 51% of the units for all courses in which you have enrolled at De Anza.

At that point, you will be notified by email and you must complete the required steps listed below, which are intended to help you improve your progress.

An initial period of probation lasts for one quarter. After that, you will be taken off probation if you have increased your cumulative completion rate to at least 51%. 

Dismissal Status:

  • If your cumulative completion rate is below 51% for five quarters – the quarters don't have to be consecutive – you can be placed on dismissal status for the next quarter.
  • If you are on dismissal status, you may be dropped from classes and required to sit out for a quarter.
  • See the FAQs below to learn more about what to do if you're on dismissal status.

Contact the Academic Awareness Program or your counselor to determine your current level of progress probation.

Required Steps and Survey

Students on all levels of academic or progress probation are required to:

  • Complete the survey: You must complete the Academic Awareness Student Survey for the current quarter. Click the yellow button below to begin the survey for this quarter.

Click for Survey

  • Meet with an academic counselor:
    • If you are part of a program that has its own academic counselors, please contact the counselor for your program. You'll find how to reach them by visiting the Our Counselors webpage.
    • If you are not a part of a program that has its own academic counselors, please contact the Academic Awareness Program team. You will be partnered with an Academic Awareness counselor and a student support specialist to assist you in regaining academic standing and getting back on track to reach your goals.

FAQs and Answers 

Tips for Maintaining Good Standing

Here are some things you can do to maintain your academic standing:

  • Complete all the classes in which you enroll. If you're struggling, talk with your instructor, your program counselor or a member of the Academic Awareness Program team.
  • Remember the deadline to drop classes each quarter: For standard, 12-week classes, you must drop no later than the second Sunday of the quarter to avoid getting a W or other undesirable mark.
  • Plan your schedule so you can balance responsibilities at school, work and home. Remember that 12 units is considered a full-time course load.
  • Allow time for homework. Typically, that means two to three hours a week, per class unit. A four-unit class may require four hours of class time and eight to 12 hours of homework per week.
  • Visit the Student Success Center: They offer individual, group and online tutoring in a variety of subjects, along with study skills workshops and other assistance.
  • Consider other kinds of support. De Anza has programs that offer all kinds of services to assist students in reaching their goals. You’ll find a list of resources on the Guide to Student Services and Resources for Basic Needs webpages.
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