General Meeting Information

Date: September 30, 2024
Time: 2:30-4:30 PM
Location: MLC 255

This meeting will be held in a Hybrid modality, meaning anyone can participate in-person or online.  To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader

    I. Call to Order


    Voting and Associate members joining us online, please turn your cameras on and add "VM" to your zoom name to help identify you to the public.

    (Please complete your report out if you haven't already)

    I All
    2:30-2:35 Approval of Agenda and Minutes from Sept. 23rd, 2024 and
    June 17th, 2024
    I/D/A All

    Public Comment

    I All

    II. Consent Calendar


    Approval of Consent Calendar  - None

    I/D/A Pape

    III. Needs and Confirmations


    District and College Needs (Attachment)

    Resource Allocation & Program Planning (RAPP)

    Campus Facilities Committee

    Campus CenterAdvistory Board

    Due Process Pool for Tenure Committee

    Ongoing Needs:

    • AS Scholarship Committee members
    • COOL Committee
    • EO Representatives for Hiring Committees
    • Tenure Review At-Large Representatives
    I/D Pape

    Tenure Review Committees

    • Christopher Bradley
    • TRC Substitutions: Alcaza, Bell, Francis, Payne

    Review of Summer Confirmations
      TRC Start Fall 2024

    Budget Advisory Committee Fall 2024 Faculty Vice Chair Mary Pape as Acting ASVP

    Due Process Pool for Tenure Committee

    I/D/A Pape

    IV. New & Continuing Business


    Discussion on Updates to General Education Pattern for Associates Degrees

    New De Anza GE Proposal for approval by Senate

    Previous Reference Documents

    Updating the De Anza GE Pattern.docx

    GE Proposal Presentation

    Revised GE Advisement Sheet

    Note: The Academic Senate prides itself on being as open a forum as possible. In the event of heavy interest in discussion, sitting Senate Representatives will be given priority to speak.

    This item may result in action at this meeting as it is a returning topic.




    RSI Roundup
    Review and reflection on RSI training on opening days and thoughts on next steps

    I/D Woodbury

    Common Course Numbering Update

    Confirm Volunteers




    Review of 23/24 and Goal Setting for 24/25

    I/D Woodbury

    Good of the Order

    Please review all report out

    I All



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]

    I. Call to Order


    Erik Woodbury reminded representative to fill out their  report out ,

    Approval of Agenda and Minutes from Sept. 23rd, 2024 and

    June 17th, 2024

    Cynthia Kaufma moved to approve the agenda. Jayanti Roy seconded. No objections. 

    Shagun Kaur moved, Ravjeet Singh seconded to approve both minutes. No objection.

    Agenda and minutes approved by unanimous consent.

    Public Comment 

    Ravjeet Singh shared about the fake student trend over the summer and the strategies employed to identify them.

    Ravjeet Singh reported an ant and infestation in her classroom and division. This appeared to be a frequent occurrence after the summer break.

    For such maintenance issues, submit tickets through the division.

    Megan Brophy: There are limited student resources, like the bathrooms, the library, the testing center, and the bookstore, on Fridays. They are either closed or have shorter hours. Some students are only on campus on Fridays and should have equal access to these services.

    Shagun Kaur pointed out the need for office spaces for adjunct faculty. She suggested converting empty, non-occupied rooms into part-time offices.

    Sam Bliss: This should be be something for the deans to address,

    Lydia Hearn: They will need funds to convert those offices into shared spaces. In the meanwhile part-time faculty may go through their division to request and book open classrooms as offices for office hours. Check with their division office and department chairs.

    II. Consent Calendar

    Approval of Consent Calendar  - None

    III. Needs and Confirmation

    District and College Needs (Attachment)
    • 2 faculty representatives for Resource Allocation & Program Planning (RAPP
    • 3 faculty representatives for Campus Facilities Committee, need 3
    • 2 faculty representatives for Campus Center Advisory Board
    • 2 faculty representatives for Due Process Pool for Tenure Committee

    Use the Request to Servc Form on the Senate Home Page to volunteer by the date on calendar 

    Ongoing Needs:
    • 1 Faculty Representative, PDL Committee
    • AS Scholarship Committee members
    • Faculty Representative:“Student Grievance and Student Conduct Hearing Board”
    • COOL Committee
    • EO Representatives for Hiring Committees
    • Tenure Review At-Large Representatives
    • Academic Senate Needs

    Representatives for Executive Committee of Academic Senate from the Following Areas:

    • CTE: 2 seats open
    • Counseling (General): 2 seats open
    • DSPS/APE: 1 seat open
    • IIS: 1 seat open

    Tenure Review Committees

    Review of Confirmations by the officer over the summer.

    Correction: The dean for the tenure committee for Viviana Alcaza, Spanish Instructor, should be Debbie Lee, not Kristin Skage.

    Need for the Tenure Committee for Lisa Teng, Photography a replacement for Jason Damjanovic, PE/ATHL At Large Rep

    TRC Start Fall 2024

    James Tallent moved, Bob (Sukhjit) Singh seconded for approval of the Tenure Review Committees.

    No objection. Committees approved.
    Budget Advisory Committee

    Mary Pape, Acting Academic Senate Vice President, Fall 2024, will serve as the Faculty Vice Chair on this committee.

    IV. New & Continuing Business

    Discussion on Updates to General Education Pattern for Associates Degrees

    New De Anza GE Proposal for approval by Senate.

    The proposal for the new De Anza GE pattern was the summary of the discussion from the special Academic Senate meeting 9/23/24. The goal was to create an accessible pathway for students seeking only an Associate Degree. The proposal reduced the GE requirements for these degrees to the Title V minimums while maintaining Area 7, Physical/Mental Wellness and Personal Development..

    Mark Landefeld: one to three units for PE.

    Veronica Acevedo and Felisa Vilaub pointed out that less than 9 to 2 percent of De Anza students have applied for the local degree. Some students have opted to retake a class to qualify for Cal-GETC.

    Cynthia Kaufman motioned, Shagun Kaur seconded, for area 7 unit count to be 1-5 units. No objections. Unanimously approved.

    Cynthia Kaufman moved, Veronica Acevedo seconded to adopt the new proposed Local GE pattern. No objection.  New pattern approved

    Bob Singh will convey the decision to the curriculum office and the curriculum team.

    The Senate will move forward with the formation of a GE committee to be discussed next week. Cynthia Kaufman suggested writing a resolution to support and explore other options like creating certificates.

    A resolution will be due by Wednesday for the following meeting.

    Previous Reference Documents

    Updating the De Anza GE Pattern.docx

    Proposal Presentation

    Revised GE Advisement Sheet

    RSI Roundup

    Review and reflection on RSI training on opening days and thoughts on next steps

    There were positive feedback and comments on the RSI training on opening days.

    A huge shoutout to Gaby Nocito, her team, and presenters. 

    Veronica Acevedo:  It worked really well. Thanks to everyone who participated. The sessions were  lively and robust. The moderators had useful answers to questions. She also appreciated Gaby coming into the groups to contribute.

    Joyanti Roy: cohort was fun; she highly recommendated the cohort option for the next phase.

    Christina Wright felt that the video did not set the tone. Also, there appeared to be some miscommunication for adjunct faculty, like herself, who came to parts, but not all of the training. They will be required to take the entire training. 

    Erik Woodbury explained that they cannot break up the modules in the same way as the workshops during opening days.

    The goal/target was to have the Part I modules ready by October 15. Nov I for Part II.

    For faculty to teach online in the spring they must complete Part I by the end of fall. Part II must be complete by winter to teach online in fall 2024.

    The only exception for completing Part II for online teaching is the J1 evaluation, to be conducted by their dean for full time faculty. The dean may assign a full time tenured faculty who has completed both RSI and J1 trainings to conduct J1 for part time faculty.

    For faculty pursuing cohorts for Part II, there will be  a $500 compensation or PGA credit. This does not apply to anyone choosing the J1 option.

    How will the cohorts be conducted? Discipline-specific? Or cross-disciplines? 

    The Online Ed Office will conduct a survey across campus, through divisions and departments for the final idea. They will have an answer by November 1.

    Representatives were encouraged to reach out to your constituents for thoughts, questions, and feedback.

    Common Course Numbering Update

    The Common Course Numbering Project description and update could be found in the September 2024 Curriculum Committee Newsletter under New Initiatives.

    AB 1111, also known as the Common Course Numbering System Act, is a California law designed to streamline and simplify the transfer process for students in the California Community College system. The main goal of the legislation is to implement a common course numbering system across all community colleges in the state, making it easier for students to transfer credits between institutions without confusion or unnecessary repetition of courses.

    The common course numbering initiative has been and will be assigned for completion in phases. It was Important for DA to be involved because the templates are set for the semester system.

    Phase I due Fall 2024 
    • EWRT 1A / EWRT 1AH (Karen Chow / Thomas Ray)
    • EWRT 2 / EWRT 2H (Karen Chow / Thomas Ray)
    • Math 10 / Math 10H (Fatemeh Yarahmadi / Mehrdad Khosravi)
    • POLI 1 / POLI 1H (Jim Nguyen / Elvin Ramos)
    • Psych 1 (Mark Healy / Elvin Ramos)
    • COMM 1 / COMM 1H (Stephanie Anderson / Thomas Ray)

    Bob Singh and Erik Woodbury went over the tight schedule for them to complete the work.

    These courses will be effective Fall 2025

    Phase II due Fall 2025

    Phase II include 22 course in 12 subject areas

    History, English, Economics, Art History, Biology, Chemistry, Math, Astronomy, Anthropology, Communication Studies, Sociology, and Child Development

    In the spring some DA faculty attended some online workshops where they provided feedback for the current 6 course templates.

    DA faculty, 2 in each of the affected areas, are needed to help formulate the templates and highlight the needs of the quarter system.

    Every faculty in these subject areas can give feedback in the survey that are due by October 20.

    These courses will be effective Fall 2026

    Lydia Hearn: the AVPI  and the articulation officer for quarter schools have been meeting regularly over this topic. They will be meeting with someone from the state this Wednesday to request quarter school representatives in the work groups.

    Bob Singh has office hours for those working on the CCC project

    Meghan Brophy motioned, Joyanti Roy seconded to approve the current Volunteers for the Common Course Numbering Project. No objection. Volunteers approved.

    Faculty/courses who have an upcoming curriculum revision might want to hold on because the common core numbering templates update might require a second revision immediately after. They should check with Bob Singh and the curriculum office about their situation.

    Shagun Kaur motion to add an item to the agenda, Joyanti Roy seconded. No objection. Approved.

    Shagun Kaur moved to have Karen Chow replace Jason Damjanovic on Lisa Teng’s Tenure Review Committee,  Joyanti Roy seconded. No objection. Approved.

    Cynthia Kaufman moved to approve the committee, Rajveet Singh seconded. to approve. No objection. Committee approved.

    Review of 23/24 and Goal Setting for 24/25

    GE discussion

    Priority enrollment for pride and rising scholars.

    Created COOL committee

    RSI Initiative, district wide

    Measure G discussions and advocacy 

    Tenure review committees formed in the spring 

    Constitution and Bylaw updates, created of a new VP position

    Approve local POCR

    Focus Areas for this year

    Best way to communicate with division

     Having 2 rep from each division is helpful

    Orientation, mentoring, training, resources for new senators, especially for adjunct

    Low cost and no cost textbook

    Have this kind of discussion at the beginning of each quarter

    Program review update. RAPP to give explanation, feedback and training. RAPP feedback; clear goal and roadmap.

    Good of the Order
    Report Out Highlights

    Snack break; cookies, donuts, coffee tomorrow

    Membership drive 

    Intro to Libby

    Please review all report outs


    Cynthia Kaufman motioned, Veronica Acevedo seconded, to adjourn, no objection.

    In person

    Erik Woodbury, So Kam Lee, Mary Pape

    Veronica Avila Acevedo, James Adams, Viviana Alcazar, Sam Bliss, Megan Brophy, Kevin Glapion, Lauren Gordon, Rusty Johnson, Cynthia Kaufman, Shagun Kaur, Sherwin Mendoza, Lisa Mesh, Jayanti Roy, Lakshmikanta "LK" Sengupta, Ravjeet Singh, Sukhjit Singh, James Tallent,  Christina Wright


    Mary Donahue, Dawnis Guevara, Mark Landefeld

    *Mark Hamer, *Anna Nguyen,* Jamie Pelusi, *Felisa Vilaubi


    Deborah Armstrong, Elsa Jimenez-Samayoa, Anna Nguyen, Jamie Pelusi, Leah Smith

    *Non-voting. Do not count toward quorum for this meeting. 

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 849 1703 5338
Passcode: 882827

Member   Remote Location   In District?  
Mark Landefeld PE 51A, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014
Dawnis Guevara PE 51B, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Yes
Mary Donahue MLC 243, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Yes

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