General Meeting Information

Date: October 29, 2024
Time: 10-11:20
Location: MLC255 and Online

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    10:00-10:05 Approval of Minutes from October 22, 2024 I/D/A All
    10:05-10:10 Second review of criteria used to refer program review forms to the full committee I/D/A Newell
    10:10-10:40 Group review of Music and Photography Comprehensive Program Review and Feedback form I/D Newell
    10:40-10:50 Second review of process for requesting faculty positions when funding is not yet available I/D Woodbury
    10:50-11:20 Begin training on personnel request prioritization process I/D Woodbury/Newell

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Attendance, Voting Members:

    Sam Bliss, Sushini Chand, Adam Contreras, Nazy Galoyan, Lydia Hearn, Michelle Hernandez, Zachary Ho, Simon Kang’a, Andre Meggerson, Eric Mendoza, Rob Mieso, Mallory Newell, Van Nguyen, Aditya Sharma, Daniel Solomon, Tim Shively, Martin Varela, Chia Wen, Erik Woodbury

    Approval of Minutes from October 22, 2024

    Minutes approved.

    Second review of Criteria  used to refer program review forms to the full committee.

    Mallory Newell made some changes in the criteria based on last week’s discussion.

    The criteria starts with:

    • If the overall program review was incomplete, sections were missing, or improvements need to be made, indicate that the program review should be sent back to the area, not referred back to RAPP.
    • RAPP will engage in additional discussion and provide additional feedback to any program that has two or more of the following concerns identified

    The list of 6 concerns that included: enrollment decline, low success rate, large success rate gaps, low awards, low staffing level, and any overall trends that are not addressed.

    The criteria, instead of focusing only on the deficit, also include commendation on high quality work and highlighting promising practice or strategy.

    The criteria was finalized without additional changes.

    Group review of Music Comprehensive Program Review and Feedback form

    The Music Comprehensive Program Review was sent back to its area for more information. Mallory Newell led the full committee to complete the feedback form. It was a working session as well as training for new members. The committee members were assigned to review the comprehensive program reviews before the meeting.

    The group went over the 10 areas in the program review. In each of the areas, there are 3 columns for the feedback/ Commendations, Feedback for Improvement, and Comments.

    In the first area, Mission, the committee commendation, felt that the mission statement clearly outlines how the program connected to the institutional core competencies. 

    For improvement, the statement could be shortened, and be more succinct. It should focus on who it serves, how it serves them and how it fits into the campus.

    November 5 RAPP Mission Statement Training. Mission statements should be clear, concise, and short. 

    There is a distinction between program description and program statement.

    On program goals, there were commendations on their plans to grow enrollment. There were discussions on the second goal to restore Music 25 to establish a transfer degree. On the third goal, the types of certificates they planned to offer were missing.  There were some good comments on including a metric or assessment plan on how the goal will be achieved.

    In the enrollment trend area, there were discussions on how to measure growth or decrease. Lydia Hearn pointed out the problem with looking at sections because there are so many stacked classes, that included honor classes that have only a few students. She felt that a better indicator is the FTES, full-time equivalent students.

    Tim Shively pointed out that music really depends on in-person instruction. The pandemic has hit them particularly hard. They struggled to get things into an online format and it was not easy to do certain things, like a performance online. It looks like the program is on the rebound. He further related some of the challenges the program faced. He would like to see information about unique situations that influenced the enrollment trends. For example when the State moved away from lifelong learning and repeatability that had an impact on enrollment.

    There were some comments on incorporating CTE and mirrored non-credit to grow enrollment. Adding a CTE component could help certain classes to make. Andre added that Foothill does have CTE for their music technology and arts program.

    On success rate, the program was trending upward, with high success rates overall. The improvement of course success, focusing on more tutoring, one-on-one support through office hours, individual outreach. Study groups with student leaders assigned to the group to serve as mentors. Wrap around services are working to support students

    Mallory explained how to interpret the success rates data for various groups distributed across genders and ethnicities. Tim asked about the success rates between music majors and non-majors.

    On teaching and learning strategies someone would see a more multicultural curriculum. Also, equity and inclusion emphasized by instructors and the curricula with special attention to first generation students.

    Trends in Awards. Since last year, it increased from 12 to 29

    On staffing needs. The report looked at the trend over the past five years. The department has gone down from 6 to 1 faculty over an eight-year period. There are crucial positions that they have not even requested. Their needs included a full time music librarian and music accompanist. Part-time faculty are doing above and beyond in recruitment, retention, tutoring, extra equity related work. The one full-time faculty member is revising 17 classes, the performances, the festivals.

    The SLO assessment is not done since there is only one full time faculty

    Tim Shively: Music is only viable performing arts at De Anza, with dance and theater hanging on by a thread. As an institution, De Anza should  salvage and restore performing arts that are trying to grow with additional faculty and internship.

    Second review of process for requesting faculty positions when funding is not yet available

    Erik Woodbury asked for feedback on  the current cycle of when and how to submit requests for replacement faculty positions. There was a concern over the gap between when someone retires or leaves and when they could rehire.

    Group review of  Photography Comprehensive Program Review

    This was a brand new submission. At the time, there were no full-time faculty members.  The dean Kristen may have worked on this program review on her own.

    The mission statement is short, clear, concise. There was a suggestion to change the word challenging to rewarding.

    Their goals started with hiring a full-time faculty member. That position has been filled. The comment was for them to replace that goal in the annual review. On program visibility, it was suggested that they add faculty as another responsible party for marketing photography courses, connect to requirements in other disciplines, and village announcements.

    There was some discussion over their goal, like creating a sense of community, develop new curriculum for the department.

    The program has been innovative in offering non-credit and CTE to increase and stabilize enrollment. It was suggested they also offer internships.

    Their success rates are very high at 80%, growing from 74% to 80%. Loan student cameras and equipment so that expenses are not a barrier.

    On the success rate gaps, they have identified certain groups that are underperforming with disproportionate impacts.

    On awards, they have an associate degree and then they have a credit certificate and a non-credit certificate.  Their awards and their certificates have been trending up over the last four years. they went from 12 to 20.

    Staffing. They have a full-time faculty member and a full-time technician, Chai Wen who has stepped up to do many tasks outside his job for several years.

    Mallory Newell 

    The review of those last two program reviews provided an opportunity for training.

    That was an example of what will happen in the small group. For the program reviews, each person will prepare by reading them ahead of time, you've all read them. Then as a group fill out the reflection in the feedback forms Be mindful that these will be posted online for people to see them. They will be anonymous as to who was in the group.The forms will go back to the departments. Be collegial and supportive in your language.  Providing constructive criticism with commendations. Give a positive and then a constructive critique.

    Next week training on personnel request prioritization process

    The personnel requests will be due 11/8

    Next week 11/5 workshop on mission driven goal setting as foundation for goal setting

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Meeting ID: 878 7500 9960
Passcode: 022375

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