General Meeting Information

Date: October 17, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Student Council Chambers

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader

    Call to Order

    A Michi Ozaki

    Roll Call

    I/D Michi Ozaki

    Approval of Minutes

    I/D/A All

    Public Comments

    I All
    11:10 Advisor Announcements I Dayna Swanson

    Buessiness Item #1

    Title: Check-in

    This item is for members of the Committee or attendees to get to know each other. 

    Prompt: What is on your bucket list?

    Time: 5 minutes

    I/D All

    Buessiness Item #2

    Title: Eco-fund Project Presentation and Discussion

    This item is for an eco-fund applicant to present their project and for the committee to direct them to finish the application process.

    Time: 20 minutes

    I/D Environmental Monitoring Club (EMC), Dariga

    Buessiness Item #3

    Title: Bike Program Updates

    This item is to provide updates on the Bike Program.

    Time: 10 minutes




    Buessiness Item #4

    Title: Eco Fund Updates

    This item is to provide updates on the Eco Fund.

    Time: 10 minutes



    Public Comments



    Advisor Announcements


    Dayna Swanson



    Michi Ozaki

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Call to Order 

    • Michi calls the meeting to order at 11:02 AM 

    Roll Call 






    Michi Ozaki (Chair) 


    Minseo Kim


    Dariga Burkhanova







    (No interns yet since this is the 3rd meeting of the quarter)







    Dayna Swanson 



    Myles Vongnankhone

    Hamza Moharram

    Genesis Mailangi

    Fiona Chang

    Yoon Po Po Aung

    Haoru Wang-Max

    Bella Eydel

    Aroush Fatima

    Julia Kuznian

    Mia Lin

    Yewon Kim

    Elisha Wjaya

    Zoe Koswara

    Mark Manansala

    Caitlin Lam

    Approval of Minutes 

    • October 10th, 2024

    Public Comments 

    • None

    Advisor Announcements 

    • None

    Business Item 1

    Title: Check-in

    Presenters: All

    Prompt: What is on your bucket list?

    Business Item 2

    Title: Eco-fund Project Presentation and Discussion

    Presenters: : Environmental Monitoring Club (EMC), Dariga

    • Environmental Monitoring Club:

              - The environmental monitoring club focuses on environmental monitoring, and improvement efforts. The club aims to better understand the ecological value the surrounding environment provides.

              - The club was reactivated, designated new officers, set goals and plans, got new members, and volunteer work.
    • MAIN PROJECTS: The Tree Map and Volunteer work

      o Volunteer Work; partnership with Grassroots Ecology, a nonprofit focusing on habitat restoration with 13 sites around Silicon Valley Area. Next volunteer work will be November 17th

      o Tree Map; is the main project, a map that will display tree data(species, height, diameter, and location). Will help to provide information and raise awareness of the environmental benefit of trees on campus. Planning on expanding beyond campus, to the entire Bay Area. T this concept in itself has been approved by NYC Park, Global Forest Watch. Currently our campus has 2,500 trees on campus according to the Tree Inventory (2022)

      - Tree Map Plan divided into 2 parts, one is web development, and the second is data collection. o Web development: create a prototype tree map o Data collecting: biweekly on Friday 2pm-2pm, at De Anza College. Starting this Friday, October 18th. Club is seeking funds for technical support, providing supplies for volunteers, and online/offline promotional items

    Business Item 3

    Title: Bike Program Updates

    Presenters: Minseo

    • Minseo: Had a meeting with Dennis: where he contacted the Community Cycles ( the organization in charge of the bike maintenance) for the all bike maintenance for the next quarter. Besides that, the bike program that was yearly last year, is now quarterly so more students get more chances to have a bike. As of right now the bike request form is closed.
    • Updated Bike Distribution Process: The bike request form will open on the 9th or 10th week of the quarter, and the next quarter we will already distribute the 2/3 of our bikes in the first 2 weeks. We will keep the leftover 1/3 bikes for new students who apply, and the form will remain open for them until the 3rd week of the quarter.
    • 4 missing e-bikes, 8 e-bikes need maintenance, the organization that provided the e-bikes will do the maintenance, and they have been contacted. Those with missing e-bikes have been contacted by OCL. The fine for not returning the bike will be 30$, and the replacement fee costs about 1000$.
    • Currently 66 applicants interested in borrowing regular bikes, and we will start distributing them from next week. Since we do not have corral keys, we haven’t been able to distribute them yet. Bike distribution process should be changed in order to make it more efficient and smooth.

    Business Item 4

    Title: Eco Fund Updates

    Presenters: Dariga

    • Dariga: An interest form has been created, but Dennis has yet to post it on the website. A marketing request for the EcoFund was submitted, and the designs will be shared at the next meeting. We also have access to last year’s flyer, which we can use to create new flyers for the interest form and post them around campus. After meeting with Cynthia, we found that the only old project we know of is the wildflower planting area

    Business Item 5

    Title: VIDA meeting reports

    Presenters: Dariga

    Dariga: Our first meeting was last Friday, and the regular meeting time is now 1 p.m. This is a coalition between Environmental Studies (ES) and VIDA, focusing on sustainability issues at De Anza. We identified two major projects (committees): improving De Anza’s recycling system, which is currently out of compliance with state regulations, and advocating for a pool cover for the swimming pool to reduce gas usage. We’ll be discussing the recycling initiative further and meeting with the Dean of Athletics and the facilities team to push for the pool cover. Interns are welcome to join and contribute to these important efforts!

    Introduction and Approval of Prospective Interns 

    • None

    Public Comments 

    • Minseo: We need help for regular bike distributions next week. If you are interested please come and help out!


    • Michi adjourned the meeting at 11:54 AM. 

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