General Meeting Information
Date: November 21,
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Student Council Chambers
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 11:00 Call to Order
A Michi Ozaki 11:00 Roll Call
I/D Michi Ozaki 11:00 Approval of Minutes
I/D/A All 11:05 Public Comments
I All 11:05 Advisor Announcements I Dennis Shannakian 11:05 Business Item #1
Title: Check-in
This item is for members of the Committee or attendees to get to know each other.
Prompt: Do you hace any plans for winter break?
Time: 5 minutes
I/D All 11:10 Business Item #2
Title: The process of bike distribution
This item is to inform and discuss the the process of bike distribution for the next two quarters.
Time: 15 minutes
I/D/A Minseo 11:25 Business Item #3
Title: Bike Program Updates
This item is to provide updates on the Bike Program.
Time: 15 minutes
11:40 Business Item #4
Title: Eco Fund Updates
This item is to provide updates on the Eco Fund.
Time: 10 minutes
Dariga 11:50 Business Item #5
Title: VIDA Meeting Updates
This item is to provide updates on the meeting with VIDA.
Time: 10 minutes
Dariga 12:00 Public Comments
All 12:00 Advisor Announcements
Dennis Shannakian 12:00 Adjournment
Michi Ozaki -
Minutes [DRAFT]
Call to Order
- Michi calls the meeting to order at 11:06 AM
Roll Call
Michi Ozaki (Chair)
Minseo Kim
Dariga Burkhanova
X Interns
Bella Eydel
X Elisha Wjayaa
X Mia Lin
X Myles Vongnakhone
X Yewon Kim
X Yoon Po Po Aung
X Caitlin Lam
X Chaela Zaiae
X Dicario Darren Liong
X Fiona Chang
X Julia Kusniara
X Seungho Jang
X Advisors
Dennis Shannakian
X Guests
Mahder Aklilu (Advocacy Liaison)
Approval of Minutes
- October 14th, 2024
Moved by Dariga
Seconded by Minseo
Public Comments
Dariga is attending the Program Committee meeting to ensure that the purchase lists and proposed ideas are sustainable.
Advisor Announcements
- None
Business Item 1
Title: Check-in
Presenters: All
Prompt: Do you have any plans for winter break?
Business Item 2
Title: The process of bike distribution
Presenters: Minseo
The Bike Program distribution process will prioritize Group 1, meaning they will receive bikes earlier than Group 2, who applies later. Students can borrow bikes for the number of quarters they need. We’re going to start the process of bike during week 1. The distribution will start from week 2.
Extended 5 minutes by Dariga, seconded by Minseo.
Business Item 3
Title: Bike Program Updates
Presenters: Minseo
Minseo emailed Dennis about the bike helmets and lights. We won’t be distributing all the bikes at once; some will be set aside. A clear timeline for the distribution should be established.
Business Item 4
Title: Eco Fund Updates
Presenters: Dariga
In the next meeting, Dariga will discuss with Dennis to finalize everything, so we can present at the Finance meeting for the next quarter, as well as the Senate meeting.
The marketing team will promote their tree map projects, using the chalkboard to advertise events. We can assist in promoting their events as well.
For the old ES Committee's water bottles, there are two ideas: one is using razors to remove the old logo, and the other is applying vinyl stickers to cover the logo.
Business Item 5
Title: VIDA Meeting Updates
Presenters: Dariga
- ES and Vida had a meeting last week to discuss the pool cover and recycling efforts. The Flint Center is currently being demolished, and the landfill will be repurposed for recycling. The goal is to recycle 65% of the materials.
Introduction and Approval of Prospective Interns
- None
Public Comments
- None
- Michi adjourned the meeting at 12:06 PM.