Tax Information: Form 1098-T
You can find your student tax information on MyPortal. Your Form 1098-T for each year should be available by Jan. 31 of the following year.
How to Find Your 1098-T Form
Log in to MyPortal and select "Apps," then click on the “Student Registration” icon. Look under “My Records” for the link to “Download 1098-T”
De Anza College no longer mails tax information to students.
If you have any difficulty downloading or printing the electronic version of the Form 1098-T, please contact the Cashier's Office.
Important Information
The Foothill-De Anza Community College District is required by law to report all student 1098-T information to IRS.
To ensure that this information is correct, always use your legal name and valid Social Security number on your student records. If your name, address or Social Security number are invalid, it could affect your ability to claim tax credits.
Students who provide conflicting personal information may have holds placed on their records until they present documentation verifying the correct information. Failure to report correct information can be subject to a penalty imposed by the IRS.
If you need to update or correct your personal record, you can submit a Records Change form to the Admissions Office. You'll find the form on the Admissions Office Student Forms webpage.