General Meeting Information
Date: November 7,
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Student Council Chambers
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 11:00 Call to Order
A Michi Ozaki 11:00 Roll Call
I/D Michi Ozaki 11:00 Approval of Minutes
I/D/A All 11:05 Public Comments
I All 11:10 Advisor Announcements I Dennis Shannakian 11:15 Business Item #1
Title: Check-in
This item is for members of the Committee or attendees to get to know each other.
Prompt: What’s one thing from your childhood that you still love today?
Time: 5 minutes
I/D All 11:20 Business Item #2
Title: Approval of Eco-Fund Project
This item is to discuss and approve the eco-fund project by the Environmental Monitoring Club.
Time: 20 minutes
I/D/A EMC, Dariga 11:40 Business Item #3
Title: Bike Program Updates
This item is to provide updates on the Bike Program.
Time: 10 minutes
11:50 Business Item #4
Title: Eco Fund Updates
This item is to provide updates on the Eco Fund.
Time: 5 minutes
Dariga 11:55 Public Comments
All 11:55 Advisor Announcements
Dennis Shannakian 12:00 Adjournment
Michi Ozaki -
Call to Order
- Michi calls the meeting to order at 11:07 AM
Roll Call
Michi Ozaki (Chair)
Minseo Kim
Dariga Burkhanova
X Interns
Bella Eydel
X Elisha Wjayaa
X Mia Lin
X Myles Vongnakhone
X Yewon Kim
X Yoon Po Po Aung
X Advisors
Dennis Shannakian
Approval of Minutes
- October 31st, 2024
Moved by Dariga
Seconded by Minseo
Public Comments
- Michi: Our advisor has changed from Dayna to Dennis.
Advisor Announcements
- None
Business Item 1
Title: Check-in
Presenters: All
Prompt: What’s one thing from your childhood that you still love today?
Business Item 2
Title: Approval of Eco-Fund Project
Presenters: Dariga, EMC
The project focuses on environmental monitoring through a campus tree map initiative. It may require a formal submission from the college, and the project criteria or Environmental Studies (ES) code should be reviewed to align with campus standards. One objective for DASG is to connect with college operations for coordination. Additional details are needed regarding the financial aspects. The team is developing an independent website, but it could also be featured under the DASG Environmental Sustainability Committee's website to promote the Eco-fund by the Environmental Monitoring Committee (EMC).
This item was tabled for the next meeting by Dariga, with a motion by Dariga and a second by Minseo.
Business Item 3
Title: Bike Program Updates
Presenters: Minseo
Intern Bella located the two lights, while intern Yoon assessed the need for helmets, suggesting an order of 100 helmets in total, with 25 each in small, medium, large, and extra-large sizes. Additionally, updates are planned for the application form to ensure it automatically duplicates each quarter. It was also suggested to include clear terms and conditions specific to the bike program, outlining participant responsibilities, and to provide more detailed information on the program timeline for better clarity.
Business Item 4
Title: Eco Fund Updates
Presenters: Dariga
Dariga is focusing on creating slides for the Eco Fund workshop scheduled for Week 8. The marketing request has been submitted, and Dariga has reached out to environmental clubs to help promote the event. Dariga is also recruiting prospective interns to assist with the workshop slides. During a meeting with the ES and Vida teams, they discussed the pool cover project. The school is working on acquiring the pool cover, and Dariga plans to reach out to the athletics dean for further coordination. Additionally, Dariga is planning to ask the new president about their stance on environmental initiatives and is working on launching a petition to improve the recycling system on campus.
Introduction and Approval of Prospective Interns
- None
Public Comments
- None
- Michi adjourned the meeting at 12: 07 PM.