Message from the Chair of Programs and Events

Welcome everyone, this is Michelle, your chair of Programs and Events (PNE)! First of all I wanted to say thank you and that I am so honored to get the chance to serve you this term. Originally, we were a part of the Diversity and Events until when we branched out into our own, new committee. Not only do we encourage friendship among interns and senators, we encourage every single person to speak out and share their unique ideas with the team. Creativity is key and there is no such thing as a "bad idea." Personally, I chose this committee because it holds so much potential for growth and influence in its community. We are almost like a mix of everything- a little bit of marketing, program creation, diversity promoting, and much more! Hmm another way to put it is that we are a team of students putting our heads together to create and promote fun, educational, engaging events for our fellow classmates. Just think about all the events we can hold! As if right now, the pandemic is a bit of an obstacle in most of the ideas we planned; however, there is always a way around it. I honestly can't wait to see what this quarter holds. So, if you are interested in hosting and creating events, come join our team! <3 thanks for reading.

MeetingsAgendas are also posted on the bulletin board on the lower level of the Hinson Campus Center across from the DASG Senate Office.

What is the Programs and Events Committee and what does it do?

Our responsibility as a committee is to create and host a minimum of 3 events every quarter with the budget that we have been given. This includes two day events and one evening event. Although we have been given a good sum of money, we never want to spend it recklessly, we use this to invest in events that can create an impact in school and promote diversity. One of our main focuses is to promote engagement and improve campus life for our fellow students. We understand that the pandemic has heavily impacted each and every one of our lives. Aside from academics, one of the most important and memorable aspects of college life is to build connections, participate in events, and have some fun. Although De Anza is a community college where most students just go in order to transfer out of, it is important to note that we are still spending time here and that time is precious! Whether it is two, three, or more years, this campus is still our community during that duration. Through these events, we hope to not only increase engagement, but also promote diversity and spread awareness of situations that matter. Hopefully, De Anza can become a second home to all of its students and staffs.


DASG Programs and Events Code

Committee Membership

  • Chair of Programs and Events
  • At least two (2) additional DASB Senators
  • And the following non-voting members
    • Interns
    • Advisor(s)

Meeting Information

  • Day and Time: Fridays, 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
  • Location: DASG Lounge and Online via Zoom


Michelle Chang


Maritza Arreola

Dayna Swanson

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